The Coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on the travel industry with an estimated negative impact of $46.6 billion dollars per month. Businesses have eliminated nearly all travel to protect their employees. As the country moves towards reopening, companies should begin to plan what business travel will look like post pandemic. Cypress Benefit Solutions recommends the below considerations as your employees anticipate the return to travel:
Financial Impacts
Travel will likely be less expensive for the foreseeable future but companies will need to be mindful of the revenue impacts the pandemic has had on their business
Transportation Methods
Automobile and train travel will likely increase in popularity as travelers will desire more personal space and control over their environment
Regional and domestic travel is expected to become more common while employees will opt for digital options when communicating with customers and vendors overseas
Employers will be expected to communicate with employees more than ever while traveling and have emergency response plans centered around pandemics
The best advice for companies with a traveling workforces is to be patient as we return to a normal business environment. Cypress Benefit Solutions is monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease and Prevention and the World Health Organization. We are here to answer any questions you or your employees may have.